Sunday, July 19, 2009

Finding your craft

Photo from Giver's Log

My mom has told me that when she was in her twenties and thirties, she tried every craft available. She did latch-hook rugs, lampwicking, macrame, counted-cross stitch, and sewing. She learned how to knit, crochet, and decoupage. She has books on doll-making, jewelry-making, and card-making. You name the craft: she has tried it.
I know many other women like this. They walk up and down the aisles at J0-Ann, looking at all the options, picking up a package of brads here, sliding their fingers along the rainbow aisle of taffeta, picking up a craft book and flipping through the pages. And walking out of the store with empty hands.
Do you want to learn a craft? Are your itching fingers fighting a losing battle with your doubting heart? If so, maybe my blog will help. I will try to post a few times a week, sharing my craft projects, my ideas, my successes and failures.
And in the meantime, happy crafting.

1 comment:

  1. Ok...Holy cow Kirsten!! I love your blog! I had no idea you were doing this! We'll have to get together soon and do some crafting!! I just got into assemblages and now find myself seeing the treasure in "junk" everywhere I go! Awesome blog girl!
    :) Robyn Ladwig
